Contact us

Phone Numbers:

Sunil Khardikar (Director): +91 9820627580

Sanket Khardikar (Managing Director): +91 8657684032

Sumeda Mestri (Branch Manager - Thane): +91 9820657066

Nilesh Shelke (Branch Manager - Titwala): +91 8830034893

Paresh Patil (Branch Manager - Diva): +91 9594221010 / 7039521010

For admission related support:

Khardikar Classes® Support (School/High School Section): +91 9820904646

Khardikar Classes® Support (University Section): +91 9152110338

After admission support / general queries:

Khardikar Classes® Support (Front desk): 0251 2863950 

Talk with Teachers (For students only): +91 8422834451  

Email: Click to access

Sunil Khardikar (Director):

Sanket Khardikar (Managing Director):

For admission related support:

Admission Enquiry:

Payments Support:

For general student queries:

Support - Front desk:

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Bug alert: *For smartphone users using mobile version of this site, we recommend you to please click on the arrow on the top right of the form to open it in a new tab - their is a bug 🐞 if you try to fill out the form using chrome on mobile, it zooms in and you are unable to fill the form. Hopefully Google fixes the bug soon, till then please do as directed.